Below is a brief description of the projects Vale Club is involved in throughout the year as part of our Outreach Program. Participation in any outreach project is 100% voluntary and does not count as your 2 hour obligation to Vale Club. Patti Cooksey is the Outreach Chair. Contact her at patti@tpic.com.
FAMILY PASS: Family PASS is a large part of Vale Club’s Outreach Program. FamilyPASS is a 501 (c) 3 Non-profit organization based in Vienna that assists families that are at risk of homelessness in Fairfax County. Many are single mothers and have children to support. Working with a case manager the client sets goals for themselves. Their vision is to strengthen families to be self-sufficient through affordable housing and pathways to comprehensive support services. Often a family only needs a few months support to get back on their feet. It could be a sickness, car repair, rent, etc. that puts them on the edge of homelessness. All they need is a little help. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, please select Family PASS to receive .5% of your purchase. To learn more about Family PASS, please visit them at www.FamilyPassFairfax.org.
During the holidays a Vale Member will collect granola bars for Helping Hungry Kids for school children in Reston. The bars are packed with other non-perishable food products for children who sometimes have very little to eat at home on weekends and holidays. These little meals are for children who are on the free lunch program during school days.